Six panels of nominal 1 lb density EPS were used to create the backdrops for this theatrical production. The panels were 4” x 48” x 96” and weighed under 11 lb each, making them very easy to move around and set in place. Both sides of the panels were used for fast scene changes.
Here is what the produce had to say:
We thought we would share what we did with the foam! Open Classical’s children’s operetta production of “Goldilocks!” by Mark Landson started a few weeks ago and ended this past weekend for its premiere run in Dallas. We ended up using 4′ boards as feet attached by magnets on the bottom for stability. We painted both sides for home and forest scenes. These were very lightweight to handle and just portable enough to put in a theater space with limited time to change presenting companies. We were part of a festival so acts were changing out about every 30-45 minutes on the stage. And I braved exploring a new talent for cutting and carving out the hole for the door/tree for the bird puppet to make his appearances.